Bengaluru: Pro-Kannada organisations led by the Kannada Chaluvali group have called for a Karnataka state-wide bandh on Friday, September 29, to protest against the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu. The state bandh call has been issued by former MLA Vatal Nagaraj who also heads the Kannada Chaluvali. At a press meet held on Monday, Vatal Nagaraj said that they would "not turn back" from the bandh call on September 29. However, they withdrew support for the Bengaluru bandh on September 26.
Sampoorna Bandh to Be Implemented in All Districts
“Everyone will support the bandh. We will protest in front of the Raj Bhavan. We will block national highways and airports. Buses, taxis and autos will support the bandh,” he said. He insisted that it will be a ‘sampoorna Karnataka’ bandh and said that the shutdown would be implemented in all districts.National Highways to Be Blocked on September 29 Amid Bandh Call
Activists have said that during the Karnataka Bandh called on September 29, they will be blocking National Highways, Airport to protest the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu.Ola, Uber Services, Hotels Across Karntaka to Stay Shut on Friday
Most of the organisations who were initially supporting farmers' protests today have withdrawn their support, indicating they will likely participate in Friday’s Karnataka bandh. The Ola Uber Drivers' and Owners' Association and Hotels Association have withdrawn their support for the Tuesday Bandh and have decided to participate in the state-wide Bandh.However, Karnataka BJP has extended its support for farmers among many other organisations that are supporting the Tuesday bandh.
Schools Worried About 'Bandhs' During Exam Seasons
Private school managements have voiced their concern over disruptions due to Bandhs during the examination season but in view of the safety of children, they had asked the government to decide if institutes should remain open on Tuesday and a notification announcing closure of all education institutions was issued on Tuesday. On Friday as well a similar call will be needed.
Shashi Kumar, general secretary of Association of Management of Primary and Secondary Schools of Karnataka said, “Private schools’ association supports the protests and will participate in our way in the movement. However, based on the situation, we are asking the government to use its discretionary powers to declare a holiday, where necessary.,”
“Usually, a call to declare a holiday is taken by the respective district administration. We do not do it at the state level,” said Cauvery B, commissioner, department of school education and literacy.